[ 2024-05-17 ] 대한배구협회 국제업무 전문인력 채용 최종합격자 안내

[ 2024-05-16 ] 2024년도 유소년 배구스포츠클럽 육성 지원 사업 안내문

[ 2024-05-10 ] 대한배구협회 국제업무 전문인력 채용 서류전형 합격자 발표

[ 2024-05-09 ] 2024 여학생스포츠교실(배구) 참여학교 모집 안내

[ 2024-05-08 ] 2025~2026년 전국종별배구선수권대회 유치 신청 알림

Year History
2021.02 Inauguration of the 40th President HanNam Oh
2017.06 Inauguration of the 39th President HanNam Oh
2016.02 The launch of the Korea Volleyball Association (Integration of former Korea Volleyball Association and the former National Association of Korean Residents, Sports, and National Volleyball)
2010.03 Establishment of Korea Corporates Volleyball Federation
2007.11 Launch of corporation aggregate of Korea Volleyball Association
2004.10 Launch of Professional VolleyBall (Korean VolleyBall Federation, KOVO)
Year History
1962.04 Opening of Park Gyejo Cup tournament(Every year)
1960.04 Visited Keio University Team of Japan for the first time for a foreign Team
1959.10 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball(FIVE)
1955.05 Participated in the first Asian Championship (Japan won 2nd place) ->Korean volleyball stood out to the World
1954.10 Participated in the Overseas Expedition match in HongKong for the first time
Year History
1946.05 Opening of the 1st National Volleyball Championships(Every year) ->Currently has changed the title to Classified Volleyball Championship
1946.03.25 Foundation of Korean Volleyball Association (The first president of the association: Cho Dongsik)
1931 The 9th Women's Olympic Games in Korea
1925.10 The 1st Chosun Volleyball Championship was hosted by the Chosun Ilbo (The first official Tournament)
1917.03 A Volleyball match between the was Korean Youth team and the Western Youth team was held in Y.M.C.A Gym for the first time
1916.03 Volleyball was introduced to the teens by Korean Y.M.C.A Leader, Mr.Bahnhart